President's Message
Prevention for Safety
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Save Yourself and Money from Needlesticks

Sample Screening and Device Evaluation Forms

Guidelines and Regulation

US - Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000 from OSHA

US - Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) -- Bloodborne Pathogens

US - Center for Disease Control (CDC) -- Bloodborne Infectious Diseases

UK - Health Protection Agency (HPA) -- Bloodborne Viruses and Occupational Exposure /BloodborneVirusesAndOccupationalExposure/

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) -- Needlestick Injuries

Patient UK - Needlestick Injury -- Knott (2011)

Dental Economics - Percutaneous injury prevention -- Palenik (2011) issue-6/departments/infection-control/percutaneous-injury-prevention.html

Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings -- 2003

OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention

Needlestick Prevalence

Preventing percutaneous injuries among dental health care personnel, Cleveland et al (2007), J Am Dent Assoc, 138

Percutaneous injuries among dental professionals in Washington State, Shah et al (2006), BMC Public Health, 6(269)

Prevalence of percutaneous exposure incidents amongst dentists in Queensland, Australia, Leggat & Smith (2006), Australian Dental Journal, 51(2)

Sharps injuries in dental practice, Robinson (1998), Prim Dent Care, 5(1)

Incidence of percutaneous injuries at a dental school: A 4-year retrospective study, Panagakos & Silverstein (1997), Am J Infec Control, 25(4)